
标题: 创伤弧菌脓毒症诊疗专家共识(2024)
title: Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Vibrio Vulnificus Sepsis (2024)
版本: 更新版
version: Updated
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 临床医师
Guide users: clinical doctor
证据分级方法: 证据水平:I级(高质量):进一步研究几乎不可能改变对临床疗效评估结果的可信度。II级(中等质量):进一步研究可能改变对疗效评估结果的可信度。III级(低质量):进一步研究很可能改变对疗效评估结果的可信度,且极可能改变评估结果。IV级(极低质量):任何疗效评估结果都不确定。无证据支持的推荐类别由专家临床经验形成,证据类别定义为良好实践主张(good practice statement,GPS)。本共识采用改良 Delphi 法达成共识的推荐意见,并向急诊医学及相关专业的专家发放问卷。每条推荐意见至少需要获得 80% 专家的赞成。
Evidence grading method: Level of evidence: Level I (high quality): Further research is unlikely to alter our confidence in the results of clinical efficacy assessments. Grade II (moderate-certainty): further research may alter our confidence in the results of the efficacy assessment. Grade III (low quality): further research is likely to alter our confidence in the results of the assessment of efficacy, and is highly likely to alter the results. Grade IV (very low quality): any efficacy assessment is uncertain. The unsupported recommendation category is formed by expert clinical experience, and the evidence category is defined as a good practice statement (GPS). This consensus uses the recommendations of the modified Delphi method to reach consensus and a questionnaire is distributed to experts in emergency medicine and related specialties. Each recommendation needs to be upvoted by at least 80% of the experts.
制定单位: 温州医科大学附属第一医院急诊科;中国医师协会急诊医师分会
Formulating unit: Emergency Department of The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;Emergency physicians branch of Chinese Medical Association
注册时间: 2024-07-22
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN035
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 创伤弧菌脓毒症是由创伤弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus)感染导致的急重症,我国主要以沿海地区发病多见,一旦发展为创伤弧菌坏死性软组织感染(Vv-NSTIs),死亡率高达50%以上,而存活的病人不仅需要面对高昂的医疗费用,更是有较多的后遗症和较低的生活质量。2023年9月美国疾病控制与预防中心在JAMA杂志上发文警告,对创伤弧菌感染这个问题引起公众重视。创伤弧菌脓毒症具有起病急、进展凶猛,救治困难的特点,须快速诊断评估和紧急救治。《创伤弧菌脓毒症诊疗方案(2018)》的发布对于指导急诊医生科学化、规范化的对创伤弧菌脓毒症评估、诊断和治疗发挥重要的作用,明显降低了患者病死率。随着急诊医学专业学术理论和技术的不断进步,在创伤弧菌脓毒症致病机理、病原学检查、预后预测等方面有了进一步的研究。特别是《坏死性软组织感染临床诊治急诊专家共识》的颁布为Vv-NSTIs这一核心难题提供了新的指导意见。同时,我们在创伤弧菌脓毒症的急诊流程建设与管理实践中也取得新进展,是原《方案》更新之必要。中国医师协会急诊医师分会、中华医学会急诊医学分会、中国医师协会急救复苏和灾难医学专业委员会等组织相关专家成立成编写委员会,结合国内外最新进展和临床诊疗经验,经过反复讨论和函审修改,制定本共识以期对临床实践有更好的指导性和操作性,降低创伤弧菌脓毒症死亡率和致残率。
Purpose of the guideline: Vibrio vulnificus sepsis is an acute and severe disease caused by Vibrio vulnificus infection, which is more common in coastal areas in China, and once it develops into Vibrio vulnificus necrotizing soft tissue infection (Vv-NSTIs), the mortality rate is as high as 50%, and the surviving patients not only need to face high medical costs, but also have more sequelae and lower quality of life. In September 2023, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published an article in JAMA magazine warning that the issue of Vibrio vulnificus infection has attracted public attention. Vibrio vulnificus sepsis has the characteristics of acute onset, violent progression, and difficult treatment, and requires rapid diagnostic evaluation and emergency treatment. The release of the "Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Vibrio vulnificus Sepsis (2018)" has played an important role in guiding emergency doctors to evaluate, diagnose and treat Vibrio vulnificus sepsis in a scientific and standardized manner, and has significantly reduced the mortality rate of patients. With the continuous progress of academic theories and techniques in emergency medicine, further research has been carried out on the pathogenesis, etiological examination, and prognosis prediction of Vibrio vulnificus sepsis. In particular, the promulgation of the Expert Consensus on the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections provides new guidance for the core problem of Vv-NSTIs. At the same time, we have also made new progress in the construction and management of the emergency process of Vibrio vulnificus sepsis, which is necessary to update the original plan. The Emergency Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the Emergency Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and other organizations have established a compilation committee, combined with the latest progress and clinical diagnosis and treatment experience at home and abroad, and after repeated discussions and correspondence review revisions, this consensus is formulated in order to have better guidance and operability for clinical practice and reduce the mortality and disability rates of Vibrio vulnificus sepsis.